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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
BombSquad / feature-suggestions / Character Skills
Each character could have a specific ability that could be activated according to what we are using.. Example:
  • Spaz: Agility;
  • Kronk: Strength;
  • Dark Serpent: Speed;
  • Zoe: Less Damage;
SoK [GMT +1] 2/24/2024 11:41 AM
11:41 AM
Beauty of BombSquad is the fact that the character only changes your looks
11:41 AM
Also believe me - it would be a hell to balance
11:42 AM
If you look for a game where each character has it's own skills, check out EON on GameJolt. It's a game I made on Ballistica - engine which BombSquad uses
SoK [GMT +1]
Click to see attachment 🖼️
~ΠΠysterious•Soul~ 2/24/2024 1:28 PM
Bunny - lays eggs to clone himself 🗣🔥🔥
Your post reminded me of an old mod called "Superhumans" where every character literally had an unique ability, it was pretty fun but obv unbalanced. Too bad it's just gone now (for some reason?) (edited)
5:44 PM
Characters having their own abilities is neat as a gamemode but implementing that into the core gameplay would defeat it's entire purpose (edited)
SoK [GMT +1]
Beauty of BombSquad is the fact that the character only changes your looks
That's kinda funny, I participated in a discussion that was quite similar not too long ago...
10:48 AM
Deja vu.
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